Monday, November 5, 2007

A Rude Awakening

This morning Matt woke up at 6 to go put something in his car and then climbed back into bed. We are currently staying at Mike and Jen Roths house and they have an alarm system. He turned off the alarm to go out and then set the alarm back up to go back to bed. When we are in the house we typically set it as no motion so we can move about the house without it going off. Well he forgot and set it as normal. I came downstairs an hour later to get ready and this horrible blast started screaming at me. It scared the you know what out of me. I turned it off but the company still called Mike....and Jens dad....and Ford Jordan....and the Police. Whoops! Sorry to whoever got a wake up call this morning. :)


Andy and Heather Pastore said...

One word...DORK!!

Anonymous said...

Oops...that's funny.