Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Price Is Wrong

This morning I had an appointment and afterward I went home for a while to grab a bit to eat. Matt was right down the street so he met me and we ate an early lunch together. It was very nice. I turned on the tv and started flipping and I ran across the Price is Right which caused us both to go Yeah! and we weren't even sick! Would you like to know what we think of Drew Carey as the new host? ....We miss Bob.

P.S. Please spay and neuter your pets. Matt says especially your cats.


Ford Jordan said...

AGREED!!! Drew even tried to keep Bob's tag line about spaying and neutering. Not nearly as funny from Drew...

Niki said...

I have not seen Price is Right since Drew took over, but I'm sure it's just not the same. I remember going over to my grandma's house and watching it with her. That and Dukes of Hazard, but that is another story for a different day...

Glad to see that you have a blog now! I will read it faithfully and add lots of comments :) I will also link it to our website!

Andy and Heather Pastore said...

You guys are funny...Leave Drew alone. I think he is very funny!!

However, with that being said. I do miss Bob. But you have to die sometime! He sure is close :-)

Josh D said...

$1 Drew!

Just doesn't sound right.

$1 BOB!

THAT's the truth!