Monday, May 19, 2008

Sicky :(

We had a wonderful time at our annual church retreat but I got a cold while we were there.  :(  Bummer.  I am such a wuss and since you can't take any cold meds while pregnant I think I was less then fun to be around.  Sorry to those who had to sit at the dinner table with me silent.  I still managed to have a good time though but was sad because retreats are usually a time for me to reconnect with the Lord and reflect on where my walk with Him should be.  I was so out of it I didn't even understand most of what the speaker was saying.  Sad.  

Matt also had a ton of fun hanging out with all the kids and he even did a puppet show!  It was so stinking cute.  For some reason I can't post videos so if you want to see it just ask me to bring my camera the next time I see you.  He was Berny the Beaver and another teacher was Hyper Holly. So funny!  
Wish me luck today as I am still fighting this cold and so are the two little ones I watch.  :(