Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

We celebrated my moms b-day yesterday. I was hoping to have the pictures up last night but we were tired when we got home. We ate yummy Olive Garden, she opened some awesome presents, and we watched Big Brother. It was a fun night. I will share some pictures tonight. Happy Birthday Mom. Your the best. I learn from your example everyday and soak up the love that your shower me with. You are the strongest person I know and you can get through anything. I love you!


Andy and Heather Pastore said...

I love it when we all get together to celebrate!! Even though some of us were getting over being sick. In Shawn's case still sick. Hopefully by his birthday everyone will be 100%...

Susan McCrary said...

Thank you, my darling daughters. It was so much fun!!! You inspire me, too, Beth! I have the best children in the world!!! Love you, Mom