Saturday, November 24, 2007

Warning!! Never Touch Your Eye While Using Super Glue

Yesterday Matt was putting up a shelf and a piece broke so we needed to buy some super glue. After using it (with a q-tip might I add) he went to rub his eye when he suddenly shrieked and ran downstairs. After a few minutes and some more shrieking I went to see what happened. His eye lid was glued to his eye brow and he got some on his eyelashes too. I haven't laughed like that in while. Don't worry he got it all off.


Andy and Heather Pastore said...

Nice one Matt!! Smooth very smooth. I normally wouldn't say this but I think Elizabeth should handle all of the super gluing from now on...

There should be a warning on the bottle. If not you could make millions. MILLIONS I say!! (Imagine me tipping my head back with an evil laugh)

brooke said...

I'm sure people have glued more awkward things together!?!?!?! At least if he had gone to the hospital, he wouldn't be a total laughing if he had scratched or rubbed something else!!! HAHAHA!!! I know, my mind's in the gutter...

Donna Gallinoto said...

Don't hurt yourself, I don't feel like going to the hospital

Kayla said...

That's pretty funny. Somehow, I can impagine this all happening and it's making me crack up!!!

Just Me said...

I laughed so much when I read "AFTER A FEW MINUTES AND SOME MORE SHRIEKING I went to see what happened." Is shrieking a common occurence around your house or just common for Matt? I can picture this whole scene and I am still laughing.