Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For All You Seinfeld Fans

This morning I got a call from Matt. He had just worked out at the gym and heres how the conversation went.

Matt: I think I stunk up the gym.
Elizabeth: Why, what did you do?
Matt: Well, I was running and all of the sudden I could only smell Doo Dads! (aka the smell of Worcestershire sauce) It was coming out of my pores!
Elizabeth: I think it's in the car! The BO is coming from the car! (a line from Seinfeld)

So the moral is - when you cook Doo Dads in your house it follows you for days!

"So when somebody has B.O., the "O" usually stays with the "B". Once the "B" leaves, the "O" goes with it." - Jerry Seinfeld :)


Donna Gallinoto said...

too, funny....mom

Andy and Heather Pastore said...

If people identify him as were the smell came from he can never go back. NEVER!! Wasn't Seinfield forced to get rid of the car??? We can get rid of your car or Matt...he might not be able to show his face again,

I remember to do dad smell at mom's last year. It was worse than feet.

Did you guys eat all of that and not share?