Tuesday, February 3, 2009

He's Back!

This week I have started watching my nephew again.  This time for 3 days a week and at my house!  So this weekend we baby proofed our house.  It needed to be done in a few months anyways.  Our house definitely looks like babyland!  It has been 4 months since I last had him and I am not kidding he has grown twice his size!  and Allie is so small compared to him.  I put him on our changing table and his legs almost spill over the table!  I guess all kids look huge when you have a 3 month old.  It is good to have him again.  Allie loves to watch him and he is the best kid - and a good napper too!


Andy and Heather Pastore said...

I love the picture of her staring at him. He really is good entertainment! They'll be great buddies...