Sunday, January 31, 2010


Matt and I finally broke down and joined Facebook. There is no fighting it anymore.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Allie's First Bike

One of Allie's walkers turns into a bike and she just learned how to crawl on and off and even push herself a little. Here are a few pictures of her on her new means of transportation. She is so proud of herself when she gets on too.

This looks so like a dancers pose to me. Look at the hand and foot. Going to fall in mamas footsteps?

Oh and these are really cute because I took one of my hats out to wear yesterday and she loved it. I left it out for her and throughout the day she will put the hat on and climb on her bike.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Now Matt is getting his chance at being called Mama. :) Sometimes she gets it right but for now we are both being called Mama.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Girls Night

With Matt gone for a boys night at the beach with some buddies, Allie and I are once again spending the night and part of Saturday without him. So far we have nothing big planned but with having my nephew full time now it's nice to get some alone time with her. I was able to actual listen closely to her talk and had time to count her many words. Here is what I came up with....Mama (she is now indeed calling me only mama), dada, pup-pup (puppy), ball, okay, hi, bye-bye, baby, bear, please, no, eat, juice, this, what's that (usually repeated about 10 times before she is satisfied with whatever we say it is), papa, nonna, car (as of this morning), book, and she is trying so hard to say will - right now it sounds like the letter w but it's so cute. It's hard to believe she just started talking in July. She also knows about 20 signs and that vocabulary is definitely growing along with her speech. It's super cute when she does both at the same time. The weekends are always special to me because we get so much time as a family, and Matt and I just look at each other most days and giggle from seeing or hearing her do something amazing or really adorable. She is constantly learning and repeating too. We are loving this age. Walking is few and far between (she doesn't trust herself yet) and sometimes I do wish I didn't have to carry her everywhere but I know that will be less in the coming year. For now I am enjoying the closeness. Needing me less will come soon too so I will cherish that too. Here are a few recent pictures of our little mischievous monkey.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Allie is in this phase right now were she calls me Dada until we correct her.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Allie Disciplines Herself

The other day Allie was a Matt's moms house while I ran a few errands. It was so nice to jump out of the car and run into a store baby free. You don't know it's a big deal until you miss it. Anyways they were playing in the living room and Allie got too close to her dvd player (we have been trying to discipline her by saying no and if she continues we smack her hand) Donna said no and Allie paused and then started to try and touch it again. Donna said no again and Allie paused looked at her and then smacked her own hand and moved on. I think this is so funny. She either thinks this is the sign for no or she was telling Donna that now is the time that you smack my hand. Either that or she knows she can try and touch something a few times and then get smacked as opposed to just not touching it at all. So smart.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Girls Weekend

Matt is at a ministry retreat all weekend so us girls are spending the weekend together. I just put Allie to bed and this is how I intend to spend my evening, possibly both.
-New Wii Super Mario Brothers!
-Yummy Ice Cream
-and my old t-shirt Matt doesn't let me wear

It's going to be a good night. :)

A few words about the t-shirt. You know when a couple gets married the bride typically has a few things that the groom is required to dispose of once they move in together. I didn't have anything I needed Matt to get rid of but Matt had one request. That I throw away my beloved t-shirt. I have had this t-shirt since I was about 10 and I LOVE it. It is the most comfortable, softest t-shirt in the WORLD. but instead of throwing it out I just stored it away to wear when he was out of town. It's been years since I last wore it but the second I put it on I felt wonderful. Like comfort food. :) and just to rub it in for Matt I texted him this picture.......

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Record Setter

Allie loves it when Daddy is playing video games when she gets up from her naps. It doesn't happen often so to distract her from grabbing at dads we gave her an unplugged controller. She LOVED it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

No Progress

Have you ever had those days where you spend the day cleaning and picking up only to look around at the end of the day and it doesn't look like you have done a thing. Those days are becoming more and more frequent.