Saturday, January 23, 2010

Girls Night

With Matt gone for a boys night at the beach with some buddies, Allie and I are once again spending the night and part of Saturday without him. So far we have nothing big planned but with having my nephew full time now it's nice to get some alone time with her. I was able to actual listen closely to her talk and had time to count her many words. Here is what I came up with....Mama (she is now indeed calling me only mama), dada, pup-pup (puppy), ball, okay, hi, bye-bye, baby, bear, please, no, eat, juice, this, what's that (usually repeated about 10 times before she is satisfied with whatever we say it is), papa, nonna, car (as of this morning), book, and she is trying so hard to say will - right now it sounds like the letter w but it's so cute. It's hard to believe she just started talking in July. She also knows about 20 signs and that vocabulary is definitely growing along with her speech. It's super cute when she does both at the same time. The weekends are always special to me because we get so much time as a family, and Matt and I just look at each other most days and giggle from seeing or hearing her do something amazing or really adorable. She is constantly learning and repeating too. We are loving this age. Walking is few and far between (she doesn't trust herself yet) and sometimes I do wish I didn't have to carry her everywhere but I know that will be less in the coming year. For now I am enjoying the closeness. Needing me less will come soon too so I will cherish that too. Here are a few recent pictures of our little mischievous monkey.


Sarah said...

She is so precious!!! Love her. :) Miss you!!