Saturday, October 31, 2009

Allie's 1!!!

Wow a whole year. What an amazing year. A year so full of love, fun, goofiness, patience, caring, understanding, and faith. She has made our love for each other stronger and we feel stronger in the Lord. The Lord has shown us a glimpse of His love for us by giving us Allie. She continues to amaze me by the amount of love I feel for her that grows on a daily basis. We are truly blessed.

Some updates! She is becoming more and more brave in standing. She has yet to walk but is letting go of things regularly. She is trying out alot of new signs but can't quite do them on her own yet, but I have a feeling she will just take off with them. She LOVES music, she has a toy that plays music and everyday she stands next to it, pushes the button, looks at me and shakes her little body. She started doing a little shimy shake when she gets excited. It's so cute! She laughs for no reason and she does this often. and sometimes to strangers in the store. and she got her first taste of cake today and loved it! She is her mother's daughter. Pictures to come of her very special day. Here are all the monthly pictures I have taken of her over the last year. Enjoy!


Sarah said...

She's adorable Elizabeth! :) I miss you guys. So so good to talk to you yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I so wish I could have been there to celebrate ... hopefully next summer :) Love, Sheila

Kayla said...

I love how you took the pictures in the same spot every month! I wish I would have thought of that! She is SO adorable!