Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Yesterday we went down to the river near our house (Same park as the concerts has access to a long stretch of beach) for a long walk. It was so nice to be on the sand but only 5 minutes from our house. and it is now Allie's favorite place now because every 20 feet are dogs! and those dogs were running and jumping in Allie's other favorite thing, the water! Matt described it as chocolate peanut butter our favorite thing. Both are good apart but together they are amazing! Dogs+Water=A.m.a.z.i.n.g! Oh and it's not just dogs, it's ducks, birds and cats. And you all know how Matt feels about cats. :)

Matt's Oregon girls

Allie and her Dede. I just love these pictures


Donna Gallinoto said...

So....what are you going to do when Allie wants a puppy? Send her to Nonna's house? OK by me....I already know what I want to get.....I think she'll like it!!!

Anonymous said...

We could always get her a samoyed puppy :) Love, Grandma Sheila