Thursday, June 26, 2008

Great Progress!

For the past month or so my dad has been getting this new throat therapy so it can build up the muscles in his throat and one day eat again.  Well that day has arrived!  He has made great progress in the last month and had a swallow test and the women who did the test was so happy to see how well he is doing.  This week the therapist wanted him to start eating soft foods and foods that are easy to swallow.  Yesterday I gave him 10 small pieces of Watermelon, 10 Cheeto Puffs, and a small piece Angel Food Cake and he finished it all!  I am so excited that he is actually eating now.  He hasn't eaten anything since September when they put his feeding tube in.  He still struggles a little bit but I think we are headed in a great direction.  :)


Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! I had no idea your dad was having medical problems. I bet this has been a hard road. How are you doing with it all? Praying for his full recovery!!

Tony Gallinoto said...

Your dad is looking great.
Please send our regards.


Lindsay Jordan said...

Incredible! Way to go Super Man!

Andy and Heather Pastore said...

I don't think I've every been so excited about cheetos!! I hope we'll all be going out for that steak soon!! I love you dad, you're my hero!! I love you so much.