Sunday, August 29, 2010

Allie's First Hair Cut

We decided it was time (much to my apprehension about having my babies hair cut, she's too big!). Her hair was becoming a rat tail although I like to call it the colonial instead. :) Most days it wasn't so bad but when it wasn't curling or in pig tails it was so long. I brought a baggie for the hair and the camera. The girl even had a little card for her baby book that said Babies first hair cut. Matt said "I didn't know this was such an ordeal."

Here is Allie on the way to the hair cutting place. She is so independent, she loves to walk and run on her own instead of insisting we carry her.

But we still hold hands at the crosswalk. :)

Mama got a cape and Allie got one too

The Before

She did so good (it only took a minute)

Cutting my babies hair!!
The after. Such a big girl!