Monday, March 31, 2008

Life Changes

So as many of you know work has been extremely hard for me over the last few months.  We were robbed on Christmas Eve and I was trying recover from that when 2 weeks ago I was robbed again.  It was way to much for me to handle.  I was having panic attacks and was very stressed the day I had to go back.  Every time that door opens you have no idea if someone bad is coming in. So that night through tears I told Matt that I just couldn't do it anymore. He was so sweet the night before and told me that if I couldn't do it we would work it out.  Well that time came. I couldn't even make it a day.  So the next day I called my boss and told him I needed to think about what I was going to do.  Then the day after I went in and turned in my keys and they counted me out.  I am finally free!  We talked it over with my sister and her husband and we came up with a plan for me to watch her kids during the week and they would pay me instead of daycare.  To make up the rest of our income I am going to take care of my dad 3 days a week.  I know the Lord gave me a way out of something I couldn't handle.  He presented me with something much better and something that will make me happy.  So please pray for our new journey!


The Miller Family said...

i love you guys so much! you both are in my prayers. i am proud of you for trusting God and his plan. hang in there.

Kayla said...

Hey hon! Glad you finally found something else.

Just Me said...

Sounds like a great exit from your former job and into a new life. It is a win + win situation. You spend more time with and helping the people you love the most. I am happy for you.