Monday, May 17, 2010

Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Saturday was a beautiful day so we decided it would be a perfect day to take Allie to the zoo! This is her second trip but now she can actually appreciate it. We had so much fun but man, the zoo makes you feel as if you have been walking for 8 hours! You better be in good shape just to walk up that plank walkway!

We started the day off with Allie's first bus ride because the lot was full and we had to take the "shuttle". Then Allie needed to consult the map before we started.
Most of the animals were in hiding (what else is new) but some were out but it was enough to make me say Hey! I paid to see the animals not the habitat in which they live in. Poke them with a stick to make them come out or something! :) Just kidding to all you animal rights people. :) Don't write me any nasty letters.

While leaving every exhibit Allie would wave and say bye! bye! and then blow a kiss to the animals.

We think the elephants were her favorite.

Holy Moly that's a big bear! Watch out Allie!


Anonymous said...

Fun times!

Kayla said...

You guys are the cutest family. We are going to take Jillian soon...she adores animals so we think she will be pretty thrilled.

Colleen said...

I know, right? Poke the animals!!! :) I love that she blew kisses to the animals.