Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jelly Head

Yesterday about lunch time my nephew Will was starting to get hungry and Allie was fussing because she was hungry and I was STARVING!  So I quickly made Will lunch and myself a PB & J and sat down to nurse Allie.  While she was eating I was occasionally grabbing my sandwich with one hand and then I would turn my attention back to her.  I usually will rub Allie's head while she is eating and when I did this I got a big streak of jelly in her hair.  Whoops!  Lesson learned, check your hands for jelly before stroking your daughters hair!


Niki said...

I found some time to check your blog. Weird huh? Things are going great and I wanted to thank you for all your advice through out pregnancy and now. Our babies are finally here! Hooray! Maybe soon they can meet...